An Agent-Based Cockpit Task Management System

Rob Jasper 237-6856 (
Tue, 26 Apr 94 06:17:03 PDT

Ken Funk
Assistant Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Oregon State University
e-mail: phone: (503) 737-2357 FAX: (503) 737-5241

Ken Funk, principal investigator, received the BA degree in biology from
Taylor University in 1975 and the MS and PhD degrees in Industrial and
Systems Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1977 and 1980,
respectively. He is currently with the Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering Department of Oregon State University, where he teaches
courses in human factors engineering, system safety, and artificial
intelligence. His research interests are in the areas of human factors,
engineering psychology, and intelligent operator- system interfaces.
Recent research projects include the design of an intelligent
pilot-vehicle interface for US Navy attack aircraft, the development of
a theory of cockpit task management, and the design and evaluation of a
cable tension display system for log harvesting equipment. Dr. Funk is
a member of the Human Factors Society, the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineer! s.

Selected Recent Publications

Funk, K. (1988). "A Knowledge-Based System for Tactical Situation
Assessment, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 12, 285 - 296.

Funk, K. (1989). Development of a task-oriented pilot-vehicle
interface," Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Cambridge, MA, 14 - 17 November 1989, 250
- 252.

Funk, K. (1990). Cockpit task management, Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles,
CA, 4 - 7 November 1990, 466 - 469.

Chou, C. and Funk, K. (1990). Management of multiple tasks: cockpit
task management errors," Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, 4 - 7
November 1990, 470 - 474.

Funk, K. (1991). Cockpit task management: preliminary definitions,
theory, and design recommendations, Proceedings of the Sixth
International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 29 April -
2 May 1991, 222 - 226.

McCoy, W. and Funk, K. (1991). Taxonomy of ATC operator errors based
on a model of human information processing," Proceedings of the Sixth
International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 29 April -
2 May 1991, 532 - 537.

Funk, K. (1991). Cockpit task management: preliminary definitions,
normative theory, error taxonomy, and design recommendations, The
International Journal of Aviation Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 4, 271 - 285.

Funk, K. and Lind, J. (1992). Agent-based pilot-vehicle interfaces:
concept and prototype," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Vol. 22, No. 5, 1309-1322,

Chou, C.D. and Funk, K.H. (1993). Cockpit task management errors in a
simulated flight operation, in Proceedings of the Seventh International
Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 26-29 April 1993.

Madhavan, D. and Funk, K. (1993). Cockpit task management errors in
critical in-flight incidents, in Proceedings of the Seventh
International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 26-29
April 1993.


An Agent-Based Cockpit Task Management System

Scientists at Oregon State University are developing an experimental
cockpit aid for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.


Commercial air transportation has an admirable safety record, yet each
year hundreds of lives and millions of dollars worth of property are
lost in air crashes. About two-thirds of these aircraft accidents are
caused, in part, by pilot error. While many of these errors are ones of
judgement or communication, a very large percentage are activity
mismanagement errors and failures to follow standard operating
procedures. Although additional training or improved cockpit design
might reduce the incidence of some errors, the effectiveness of such
approaches are limited by inherent human perceptual and mental
characteristics. Certain advanced technologies may offer an alternative
approach through the augmentation of human capabilities.


The objectives of this project are to develop and evaluate a
computer-based cockpit procedural aid that will help flightcrews of
future commercial transport aircraft manage and perform cockpit tasks.


To achieve these objectives, the scientists are surveying the science
and engineering literature, pilots, and aviation experts to determine
appropriate ways to facilitate the management and performance of cockpit
tasks. They are using the results of this survey, coupled with human
factors engineering and artificial intelligence methods, to develop an
Agent-Based Cockpit Task Management System (ABCTMS). In the ABCTMS
intelligent software modules called agents will use specialized
knowledge about aircraft systems and cockpit tasks to advise, inform,
and assist the flightcrew. System agents will monitor aircraft systems,
detect and diagnose equipment problems, and inform the flightcrew. Task
agents will monitor the progress of cockpit tasks, make appropriate
management and procedural recommendations, and, upon flightcrew
approval, perform some tasks themselves.

The ABCTMS is being implemented in the MiniACFS, a subset of NASA's
Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator (ACFS) that runs on a single
computer. The MiniACFS provides a realistic environment in which the
ABCTMS will be developed, exercised, and evaluated.

After the ABCTMS has been developed, the scientists will evaluate it in
an experimental study. Subjects will fly the MiniACFS in scenarios
involving normal aircraft operations as well as in-flight emergencies.
In half of the scenarios, no procedural assistance will be provided. In
the other scenarios, subjects will be assisted by the ABCTMS. The speed
and accuracy with which subjects manage and perform cockpit tasks will
be recorded. Then data from the unassisted scenarios will be compared
with data from the ABCTMS-assisted scenarios. The results of the
comparison will be used to develop refined versions of the ABCTMS for
further evaluation in the full NASA ACFS and for future implementation
in commercial transport aircraft.


A Comparative Analysis of Flightdecks With Varying
Levels of Automation

Scientists at Oregon State University, America West Airlines, and
Honeywell are conducting a study of human factors of flightdeck
automation for the Federal Aviation Administration.


The proliferation of automation on the flightdecks of commercial
transport aircraft has caused many pilots and aviation safety experts to
express concern about its long-term effects on flight safety. Potential
problems cited include loss of manual flying skills, complacency,
increased workload, and difficulty in understanding and using complex
operation modes. While some of these concerns have been studied, to
date no one has compiled a comprehensive list of flightdeck automation
problems and concerns much less attempted to verify and address them.
Yet knowledge of real problems and their solutions are necessary for the
design, certification, and safe operation of future aircraft.


The objectives of this research are to

1. compile a comprehensive list of problems and concerns related to
flightdeck automation.

2. verify and validate these problems and concerns and rank them
according to their importance.

3. study the highest ranked problems and concerns to develop solutions
and recommendations.


To accomplish the first objective, the scientists are conducting an
extremely broad investigation to accumulate a list of all flightdeck
automation problems and concerns. They are reviewing the aviation and
human factors engineering literature, interviewing pilots, interviewing
aviation and human factors engineering experts, reviewing aircraft
incident and accident reports, and conducting a questionnaire-based
survey of the aviation community. They are also comparing the
implementation of flightdeck functions across a wide range of aircraft,
using noted differences to identify potential human factors issues. The
problems and concerns are being entered into a database for further

The purpose of this analysis is to achieve the second objective. The
scientists will attempt to verify each problem or concern by reference
to the scientific literature and through analytic and operational
studies. Task analysis, workload analysis, resource allocation
analysis, information flow analysis, and simulator studies will be used
to determine if the perceived problem actually exists or if the concern
is valid. Valid problems and concerns will then be ranked in order of
their importance to flight safety.

In the final phase of the research the scientists will use further
simulator studies to develop solutions to some of the highest-ranked
problems and concerns. Where possible, these solutions will be
expressed in the form of recommendations relevant to the design,
evaluation, certification, and operation of commercial transport

For more information

Contact: Dr. Ken Funk
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97330-2407

(503) 737-2357

14 Mar 94

Ken Funk
Assistant Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Oregon State University
e-mail: phone: (503) 737-2357 FAX: (503) 737-5241

Ken Funk, principal investigator, received the BA degree in biology from
Taylor University in 1975 and the MS and PhD degrees in Industrial and
Systems Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1977 and 1980,
respectively. He is currently with the Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering Department of Oregon State University, where he teaches
courses in human factors engineering, system safety, and artificial
intelligence. His research interests are in the areas of human factors,
engineering psychology, and intelligent operator- system interfaces.
Recent research projects include the design of an intelligent
pilot-vehicle interface for US Navy attack aircraft, the development of
a theory of cockpit task management, and the design and evaluation of a
cable tension display system for log harvesting equipment. Dr. Funk is
a member of the Human Factors Society, the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineer! s.

Selected Recent Publications

Funk, K. (1988). "A Knowledge-Based System for Tactical Situation
Assessment, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 12, 285 - 296.

Funk, K. (1989). Development of a task-oriented pilot-vehicle
interface," Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Cambridge, MA, 14 - 17 November 1989, 250
- 252.

Funk, K. (1990). Cockpit task management, Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles,
CA, 4 - 7 November 1990, 466 - 469.

Chou, C. and Funk, K. (1990). Management of multiple tasks: cockpit
task management errors," Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, 4 - 7
November 1990, 470 - 474.

Funk, K. (1991). Cockpit task management: preliminary definitions,
theory, and design recommendations, Proceedings of the Sixth
International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 29 April -
2 May 1991, 222 - 226.

McCoy, W. and Funk, K. (1991). Taxonomy of ATC operator errors based
on a model of human information processing," Proceedings of the Sixth
International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 29 April -
2 May 1991, 532 - 537.

Funk, K. (1991). Cockpit task management: preliminary definitions,
normative theory, error taxonomy, and design recommendations, The
International Journal of Aviation Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 4, 271 - 285.

Funk, K. and Lind, J. (1992). Agent-based pilot-vehicle interfaces:
concept and prototype," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Vol. 22, No. 5, 1309-1322,

Chou, C.D. and Funk, K.H. (1993). Cockpit task management errors in a
simulated flight operation, in Proceedings of the Seventh International
Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 26-29 April 1993.

Madhavan, D. and Funk, K. (1993). Cockpit task management errors in
critical in-flight incidents, in Proceedings of the Seventh
International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 26-29
April 1993.


An Agent-Based Cockpit Task Management System

Scientists at Oregon State University are developing an experimental
cockpit aid for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.


Commercial air transportation has an admirable safety record, yet each
year hundreds of lives and millions of dollars worth of property are
lost in air crashes. About two-thirds of these aircraft accidents are
caused, in part, by pilot error. While many of these errors are ones of
judgement or communication, a very large percentage are activity
mismanagement errors and failures to follow standard operating
procedures. Although additional training or improved cockpit design
might reduce the incidence of some errors, the effectiveness of such
approaches are limited by inherent human perceptual and mental
characteristics. Certain advanced technologies may offer an alternative
approach through the augmentation of human capabilities.


The objectives of this project are to develop and evaluate a
computer-based cockpit procedural aid that will help flightcrews of
future commercial transport aircraft manage and perform cockpit tasks.


To achieve these objectives, the scientists are surveying the science
and engineering literature, pilots, and aviation experts to determine
appropriate ways to facilitate the management and performance of cockpit
tasks. They are using the results of this survey, coupled with human
factors engineering and artificial intelligence methods, to develop an
Agent-Based Cockpit Task Management System (ABCTMS). In the ABCTMS
intelligent software modules called agents will use specialized
knowledge about aircraft systems and cockpit tasks to advise, inform,
and assist the flightcrew. System agents will monitor aircraft systems,
detect and diagnose equipment problems, and inform the flightcrew. Task
agents will monitor the progress of cockpit tasks, make appropriate
management and procedural recommendations, and, upon flightcrew
approval, perform some tasks themselves.

The ABCTMS is being implemented in the MiniACFS, a subset of NASA's
Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator (ACFS) that runs on a single
computer. The MiniACFS provides a realistic environment in which the
ABCTMS will be developed, exercised, and evaluated.

After the ABCTMS has been developed, the scientists will evaluate it in
an experimental study. Subjects will fly the MiniACFS in scenarios
involving normal aircraft operations as well as in-flight emergencies.
In half of the scenarios, no procedural assistance will be provided. In
the other scenarios, subjects will be assisted by the ABCTMS. The speed
and accuracy with which subjects manage and perform cockpit tasks will
be recorded. Then data from the unassisted scenarios will be compared
with data from the ABCTMS-assisted scenarios. The results of the
comparison will be used to develop refined versions of the ABCTMS for
further evaluation in the full NASA ACFS and for future implementation
in commercial transport aircraft.


A Comparative Analysis of Flightdecks With Varying
Levels of Automation

Scientists at Oregon State University, America West Airlines, and
Honeywell are conducting a study of human factors of flightdeck
automation for the Federal Aviation Administration.


The proliferation of automation on the flightdecks of commercial
transport aircraft has caused many pilots and aviation safety experts to
express concern about its long-term effects on flight safety. Potential
problems cited include loss of manual flying skills, complacency,
increased workload, and difficulty in understanding and using complex
operation modes. While some of these concerns have been studied, to
date no one has compiled a comprehensive list of flightdeck automation
problems and concerns much less attempted to verify and address them.
Yet knowledge of real problems and their solutions are necessary for the
design, certification, and safe operation of future aircraft.


The objectives of this research are to

1. compile a comprehensive list of problems and concerns related to
flightdeck automation.

2. verify and validate these problems and concerns and rank them
according to their importance.

3. study the highest ranked problems and concerns to develop solutions
and recommendations.


To accomplish the first objective, the scientists are conducting an
extremely broad investigation to accumulate a list of all flightdeck
automation problems and concerns. They are reviewing the aviation and
human factors engineering literature, interviewing pilots, interviewing
aviation and human factors engineering experts, reviewing aircraft
incident and accident reports, and conducting a questionnaire-based
survey of the aviation community. They are also comparing the
implementation of flightdeck functions across a wide range of aircraft,
using noted differences to identify potential human factors issues. The
problems and concerns are being entered into a database for further

The purpose of this analysis is to achieve the second objective. The
scientists will attempt to verify each problem or concern by reference
to the scientific literature and through analytic and operational
studies. Task analysis, workload analysis, resource allocation
analysis, information flow analysis, and simulator studies will be used
to determine if the perceived problem actually exists or if the concern
is valid. Valid problems and concerns will then be ranked in order of
their importance to flight safety.

In the final phase of the research the scientists will use further
simulator studies to develop solutions to some of the highest-ranked
problems and concerns. Where possible, these solutions will be
expressed in the form of recommendations relevant to the design,
evaluation, certification, and operation of commercial transport

For more information

Contact: Dr. Ken Funk
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97330-2407

(503) 737-2357

14 Mar 94
Rob Jasper "In writing the biography of
(206) 237-6856 great men and women, printing
(206) 234-5775 (Fax) the DNA sequence of their genome
M/S: 6H-WT Org: 6-6542 would not be a good place to start"
email: -- Robert Cook-Degan, The Gene Wars