Thanks for your interest. Find below a short introduction to AIS, and the
Fuzzy Server products. I believe that the intelligent filtering method
could be usefull for software agents for information retrieval tasks.
Let me know if you have an interest in collaboration for product
development in this area.
Yours sincerely,
Henrik Legind Larsen
Adaptive Information Systems
DTU Bldg. 383
Lundtoftevej 80
DK-2800 Lyngby
Phone: + 45 4587 4317
Fax: + 45 4587 4306
Email: hll@dat.ruc.dk
Information Adaptive Information Systems
The Danish-American company Adaptive Information Systems supplies
Intelligent Inquiring Systems based on fuzzy technology. Our major product
is a Fuzzy Server for information base querying. You may find some further
information in the journal AI Expert, Nov. 1993, p. 36 (in the article:
Fuzzy Logic: the American Market).
The Fuzzy Server provide an intelligent interface to querying information
bases. It applies equally well to traditional databases and to document
bases. A central element in architecture of Fuzzy Server systems is a
domain knowledge layer on the top of the information bases. The system
applies this knowledge in producing (as the answer) a ranked list of those
items that best satisfy the user's information needs. The the domain
knowledge the system supports an ex tented querying vocabulary, allowing
the user to describe his needs using his preferred terms, even when these
are not applied in the information base.
A central technique applied in the AIS Fuzzy Server is "Knowledge Networks"
based on fuzzy logic. This technique was developed by AIS and is in a sense
between neural nets and concept-oriented (logic) knowledge representation.
Knowledge Networks are applied to semantic matching of queries in the
language natural to the user to the language and forms applied in the
information bases.
The AIS Fuzzy Server is a powerful tool in videotex and multi-media
information services. Since the layer responsible for the intelligent
behavior is added on the top of an information structure, the Fuzzy Server
can be applied to add value to existing information systems, such as
database systems and network systems (for filtering).