Re: What's the Best Intelligent Agent Software?
Ming zhao (
Tue, 4 Oct 94 09:45:46 EST
> We've developed one for Unix and Windows, called the
> Open Agent Architecture. Current best paper is in the
> AAAI Spring Symposium on Software Agents (which I can send you if
> you don't have it). The architecture is based on a distributed
> with agents running primarily in the unix world (or NT), and the user
> running on Windows, esp. pen for windows. Can use hand-held PDA's
> via a modem too.
> Let me know if interested,
> Phil Cohen (503-690-1326)
Could you please send me a copy of your paper? Thanks a lot.
Ming Zhao
Ming Zhao Ph.D. Senior Scientist
AI Systems, Telecom Research Labs. Clayton, Vic 3168, Australia
Email:, Tel: (61-3)253-6132, Fax: (61-3)253-6173